This is an archived project from the Open Knowledge Foundation and it is no longer active. For any questions please contact admin at

The Open Content Exchange Platform is an online, publicly accessible platform that connects people to documentation on open licensing for both suppliers and users of open content. This documentation should help parties fully understand the technical and legal implications of their work and make best use of its open character.

The results collated here are a combination of externally created material and resources that have been created through the course of the Europeana Space Project. You can navigate it using tags, browsing or by using the search mechanism.

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E-Space Education Spotlight


Europeana Space is an EU funded project focused on the creative re-use of available digital cultural content. A very important target sector for the…

Photomediations: An Open Book


Photomediations: An Open Book redesigns a coffee-table book as an online experience. Through a comprehensive introduction (Chapter 1) and four…